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Kategori Nisan 20 2023

Mridusmita Devi Banerjee thanks Y-Axis Trainer Anthony Rajan

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Güncellenmiş Nisan 26 2023
I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for the wonderful lectures you have given us. Your dedication to your subject matter, your enthusiasm for teaching, and your ability to communicate complex concepts in an understandable way have all contributed to making this one of the most engaging and enjoyable courses I have taken. Your ability to make the subject clear by giving examples is highly appreciable. Your passion for teaching has been evident in every lecture, and I have felt your genuine desire to help us score a good band in our IELTS exams. To reach out to each and every student in an online classroom (most of the time with the webcam being off) is not an easy task, but you always had our attention and also kept us engaged in tasks. I would also like to thank the coaching team for ensuring that we have the resources we need to succeed, in the LMS portal. The LMS has a very good collection of assignments/tests for all the modules. Once again, thank you for your outstanding lectures and for your commitment to teaching. I will always be grateful for the knowledge and skills I have gained under your guidance. Your dedication to your students is truly admirable, and I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from you.    

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